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Show Entry Information & Definitions
Section Definitions for Yankallila & Pt Elliot and helpful tips on print matting. Includes a Step by Step upload instruction.
.jpg 110K
Image: Port Elliot Show logo No border[21065].jpg
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 6/04/2023 8:51 AM Cen. Australia Standard Time by Grant Petras
.jpg 1,466K
Image: VP Header v2 Pt E.jpg
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 5/04/2023 2:09 PM Cen. Australia Standard Time by Grant Petras
.pdf 1,400K
Document: VP Header v2 Pt E.pdf
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 5/04/2023 1:59 PM Cen. Australia Standard Time by Grant Petras
.pdf 1,400K
Document: VP Header v2 Pt E.pdf
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 5/04/2023 2:04 PM Cen. Australia Standard Time by Grant Petras

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